Gabriella Levine

ongoing and past work

StupidPetTrick – dancing Tee with a buddy

lightUpManinSeries from gabriella levine on Vimeo.

I made a tee-shirt, with LED lights (green, white, red, blue and yellow) that are sewn into the shirt, and a small box with a model of a man wearing the same tee-shirt.  There is a tilt switch and a force sensing resistor (FSR) built into the tee-shirt on the lower right side.  Once the tee-shirt is turned on, all the LED’s embedded in the tee-shirt and in the model light up. As you push the FSR lightly, the lights light up in a circular pattern on both the model and the tee-shirt itself.  The garment is loose, and as you move around, the tilt switch turns on and off, activating and deactivating a relay, which is attached to the wall outlet, and turns on a neon light. As you dance or move around while wearing the shirt, you create a visually interesting effect, both emanating from the tee-shirt itself, from the model illuminated on the box, and from the neon light a short distance away. The main problem with the technical aspects of this garment is that there are many wires that extend from the tee-shirt.  Options to remedy this are use stranded wires that are more flexible, or use different breadboard circuits

The main problem with the technical aspects of this garment is that there are many wires that extend from the tee-shirt.  Options to remedy this are use stranded wires that are more flexible, or use different breadboard circuits.


Read on for some photos of my work process:

And here’s my code:

int POTPIN = 0; //the pin for the sensor
int switchPin = 2;
int led1 = 3; //the pin for the LED first
int led2 = 4;
int led3 = 5;
int led4 = 9;
int led5 = 10;
int relay = 12;
int switchRelay = 13;
int switchStateRelay = 0;
int switchState = 0;//current state of switch , off
int lastSwitchState = 0; //previous state of the switch
int led1State = 0;//remember curret led state
int val = 0; //stores the state of the input pin

void setup(){
pinMode(switchPin, INPUT);//initialize switchPin as input to turn stuff on;

//led’s 1-4 are outputs
pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led5, OUTPUT);
// pinMode(POTPIN, INPUT);//do I need to put this????
pinMode(relay, OUTPUT);

void loop(){

switchStateRelay = digitalRead(switchRelay);
switchState = digitalRead(switchPin);//check to see if the switch is on or off by compere
//it to its last state – if switchPin is enacted, switchstate will be true?

if(switchState ==1)//check if button is pressed
{//and if button IS pressed check led state :
// digitalWrite(led1, switchState);
val = analogRead(POTPIN);

if (val >200)
analogWrite(led1, 255);
else { analogWrite(led1,0);}

if(val>150 ||val<50) { analogWrite(led2, 255); } else {analogWrite(led2, 0);} if(val>100val<50 ) { analogWrite(led3, 255); } else { analogWrite(led3, 0); } if(val>75 ||val<50) { analogWrite(led4, 255); } else{ analogWrite(led4,0); } if (val>51 ||val<50){ analogWrite(led5,255); } else{analogWrite(led5,0); } if(switchStateRelay ==1)//check if button is pressed {//and if button IS pressed check led state : // digitalWrite(led1, switchState); digitalWrite( relay, HIGH); } else{digitalWrite(relay,LOW);} } else // the switch is off { //turn off all the leds digitalWrite(led1, 0); digitalWrite(led2,0); digitalWrite(led3, 0); digitalWrite(led4,0); digitalWrite(led5,0); digitalWrite(relay,0); } } }

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